Step 1: Add Push Notifications for an Effective Cross-Channel Strategy

Learn how to master push notifications with these
exclusive guides from Braze.

Push Notifications: How They Work, and Why They Matter
Discover how top brands like Burger King leverage push notifications to increase customer engagement. Just by adding push to your cross-channel strategy, brands can increase engagement by up to 191%.
 Download Guide
Delivery Hero Explores a New Frontier With Push Stories
As one of the first brands to use push stories, a powerful new tool, learn how Delivery Hero created engaging and interactive experiences for customers within their app. Discover what push stories are and how they push the boundaries of what's possible.
Master Provisional Push: What Marketers Need to Know
Learn more about Apple’s provisional push notifications, a feature that allows apps to send push notifications without users’ explicit opt-in, and what it means for your marketing efforts.
BrazeTV: The Basics of Push Notifications
Push notifications are a popular pillar of engagement, but if overused, they can grate on your customers’ nerves. In this video, you’ll discover our tips and best practices for using push effectively.